суббота, 10 февраля 2018 г.

The actual complexity of reflections

Theodor Curentzis, Elena Revich, MusicaEterna
Berio - Coro, Nevsky - Cloud Ground, Retinsky - Salve Regina
Moscow Conservatory Grand Hall, 08.02.2018

Adentro de la luz
circula tu alma
aminorándose hasta que se extingue,
creciendo como un toque de campana.

Pablo Neruda

Photo by: Olya Runeva, Slava Filippov

Is modern music a complex technical music quest? A way to get away from the similarities, or the music of the elect? The idea and the "matrix", which develops to generate synthesis - of thoughts, passions, technologies and special perception skills, moving the listener in an autonomous environment? I listen, because I perceive and feel. And all the questions fade, if you have nothing to listen to ... and no one ...

An incredible pleasure was the concert of Theodor Curentzis in Moscow on February 8, 2018 ...
For a person who needs music to maintain his fragile Spirit. The maestro responds to the aspirations - and we have the opportunity to come in contact with the spiritual realm, and perceive the musical continuity. Yes. This is hard. It is difficult in fact in all aspects of manifestation, even for the "seated", not to mention "standing." But if you stop, refuse, then why "go and watch," "do and think," "perform and listen."

If there is a listener, if there are arranged in their sounding ability - heard, perceived, focused complex echoes of reality, then their embodiment depends only on who is able to realize, implement and perform, having heard from the sheet, and to understand what it is like, why.

Complexity is an inherent ability of development - proximity of the insignificant and great, feelings and reason, structures and chaos, comprehension and disintegration. How simple is the scale, and how complicated the music is, by its development reflecting the person - his genius and routine.

Maestro managed to slightly open the door, behind which the modern sound shows its reflections for those who want to hear them.

(c) nemedvedli 2018